CIAW Power Pack
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...on investing in QuickStart Agency. NOW, in the next 30 seconds and with a click of your mouse, SPEED UP your success even more with this amazing Upgrade Package.

MULTIPLY Your Results With This Exclusive Power Pack AND You'll Save At Least $200 Today!


Get BIGGER & BETTER Results NOW With Our Prospecting Power Pack!

  • Faster implementation of Client In A Weekend
  • ​Cheatsheets that help you nail the process with deadly accuracy.
  • ​Decrease the amount of work that you have to do with examples and done-for-you swipes. 
  • ​Get your client faster and have them paying you more money.
  • ​Perfect whether you're just starting out or are looking to just multiply your results. 

Profile Optimization Cheat Sheet

($27 Value)

For most marketers, their personal social media profiles are the most overlooked pieces of digital real estate they control. With just a few key optimizations, you can transform your bland and unremarkable profile into an attention-grabber that gives you immediate credibility and gets prospects reaching out to you!

This Profile Optimization Cheat Sheet will show you how...

Networking Worksheet

($17 Value)

Once you've optimized your profile, how do you start networking with business owners? There's one place that you'll instantly find hordes of your perfect prospects: Groups on social media platforms such as Facebook. You can easily join groups in your target area, start scouring them for business owners, and simply add them as friends to start.

But how do you actually find these groups? This Networking Worksheet shows you the secret search strings we use to locate them...

Warmer Post Cheat Sheet

($17 Value)

Most social media posts suck. They're designed to look nice, or to be "educational." It's the sort of content that the company owner thinks looks great, but there's a big problem... no engagement!

With that in mind, we created this post with one goal: getting hand-raisers! People engage with the post, it gets shown to more people, and a "virtuous cycle" is started with dozens or hundreds of warm leads standing up and asking you to sell them...

Filtering Worksheet

($27 Value)

You've optimized your profile, started networking with some business owners, and made your engaging post to start getting interest. Now, how do you sort your prospects to identify who are ideal clients for you... and who are time-wasters?

Our Filtering Worksheet shows you the exact questions you can ask to separate the wheat from the chaff...

Chat Closing Workflow

($47 Value)

Learn how we're closing deals via Facebook Messenger, NEVER meeting the client face-to-face... or even speaking to them on the phone!

After the filtering stage, you now have an ideal prospect that you'd like to move forward with.

With this Chat Closing Workflow, you'll see how to offer them options that will add a direct benefit to their business immediately, and add additional revenue to your pocket. Easily upgrade them with these no-brainer add-ons that they will likely say 'yes' to!

In Addition To The Worksheets, Swipes & Cheatsheets...

We're Also Including These Trainings:

Outsourcing & Scaling Training

($47 Value)

Would you like to learn the secret to working ON your business instead of IN your business?

That's exactly what you'll discover during this powerful training. 

This bonus module is all about scaling your business with outsourcing!

Tools & Resources For Payments

($67 Value)

In this powerful training you'll learn ALL of the tools and resources I use.

From what I use to invoice my client, handle recurring payments and more.

These are all of the tools I use to help me collect payments from my clients!

How To Keep Track Of Clients

($37 Value)

During this bonus module I'll introduce you to the tool I use to keep tabs on my clients.

You'll learn what a CRM is, which one I use and why having one is beneficial!

This makes things a whole lot easier as you start to scale your business.

PLUS... When You Pick Up The Prospecting Power Pack Today,

You'll Also Get This Bonus Mini-Course

Lead Arbitrage As A Service

($97 Value)

Back before Paul decided to jump into his business full time, he worked for a heating and cooling company. And one thing he noticed was that his boss almost never took phone calls from anyone looking for "the owner" or the "person who makes marketing decisions." He was focused on one thing: getting more customers so he could make more money. 

And so a few years later, when Paul started doing local marketing, his past experience instantly gave him an idea for a much better way to both generate leads, and to get the business owners to pay for those leads:

“Somebody Else’s Services” AKA Arbitrage.

You become simply the middle man. You'll learn exactly how in this bonus mini-course, included with your Prospecting Power Pack.
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Earnings Disclaimer
We don't believe in get rich programs - only in hard work, adding value and serving others. Our programs are intended to help you improve your business skills and encourage you to take action so you can build your business. Our programs take a lot of work and discipline just like any worthwhile endeavor or professional continuing education program. Please don't enroll in our programs if you believe in the "money for nothing get rich quick" ideology; we only want serious people who want to work hard to build their business. As stipulated by law, in promoting this and all our programs we use illustrative numbers only and we cannot and do not make results guarantees or give professional or legal advice. That's why it's important that you read all of our terms and earnings disclaimers via the links above as you are not guaranteed to get results or earn an income. It's all the regular legal disclaimers but we feel transparency is important and we hold ourselves (and you) to a high standard of integrity. Thanks for stopping by.